Kentucky Truck Parking Study

Why Truck Parking?

Truck drivers are often faced with a tough decision:

  • To find a safe parking location before exhausting their allowed Hours-of-Service (and lose productivity) or to risk proceeding with uncertain parking expectations.
  • OR

  • Drivers that cannot find available truck parking when their hours elapse often park on highway ramps, creating risk for themselves and the general motoring public.

! According to the American Trucking Research Institute (ATRI), drivers lose $4,500 in productivity each year due to this paradox. !

Study Goals

Identify Truck Parking Supply and Demand

Assess truck parking statewide and on major freight corridors.

Focus on Safety

Concentrate on unauthorized parking on highway ramps.

Act Now

Complete preliminary conceptual design of new/upgrade parking facilities.

Leverage Existing KYTC Right-of-Way

Utilize the existing right-of-way for low-cost, high-impact opportunities that increase truck parking capacity.

Key Takeaways

Parked Trucks

Each weekday night, there are approximately 9,000 trucks parked in Kentucky for 4+ hours.

Parking Spots

There are 7,196 truck parking spots in Kentucky.

Busiest Night

The busiest night for truck parking is Wednesday.

Parking Spot Owners

82 percent of truck parking spots are provided by private sector truck stops.

Parking Locations

18 percent of parking by KYTC is located at rest areas and weigh stations.

Truck Parking Supply and Demand Map

Click on the map to learn more about the truck parking supply and unmet demand in Kentucky.


Truck Parking Survey

The Kentucky Truck Parking Study seeks to identify truck parking issues and solutions throughout Kentucky. To do this, we need help from those who drive trucks and understand these issues, such as parking locations and truck parking technology along the routes. Please take 5 minutes to complete our survey. Your responses will help inform our decisions for improving truck parking in our state. We appreciate your input!

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